Title: Professor, Dr., Director of Economics Department
Address: College of Economics and Management,
Northwest A&F University
3Taicheng Road, Yangling, Shaanxi, China, 712100
Tel: +8629-87081742
Email: jiangzhide@nwsuaf.edu.cn
Education Background:
1996.9 Ph.D. of Management, University of Agricultural Economics and Management
1993.7 M.A., from the Department of Agricultural Economics in Renmin University of China and received master's degree of Economics
1988.7 B.S., Department of Plant Protection, Northwest Agricultural University
Working Experiences:
1994-present Lecturer, Associate professor, Professor,College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University
1993.7 Worked in Northwest Agicultural University
1988.8-1990.8 Assistant, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province Forestry Bureau
Research Interests:
Resource economics, ecological economics and sustainable agricultural development
Professional Activities:
Sustainable land use; eco-economical valuation of agricultural ecosystem service; ecological compensation of agriculture watershed; ecological restoration and economical transformation in west China; sustainable agriculture development; food security and ecological security; farmer’s vocationlization in Chinese new rural construction.