ZHANG Minghua
Address: Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
University of California Davis, Davis, CA 95616
Tel: (530) 752-4953
Fax: (530) 752-5262
Email: mhzhang@ucdavis.edu
Education Background:
1993 Ph.D., Ecology, University of California, USA
1990 M.S., Agronomy, specialized in Biostatistics, University of California, USA
1982 B.S., Agronomy, Zhejiang University, (former Zhejiang Agricultural University), China
Research Interests:
GIS applications, GIS spatial modeling and remote sensing applications in research areas of watershed water quality modeling, nutrients and pesticides transport and environmental impact analysis, assessing the ecological risk impact of pesticide use on water quality, TMDL, agricultural water management, and climate change impact.
Relevant Professional Research Experience:
Faculty member since 1996 in the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California Davis. Research included nutrients and pesticides contaminant transport and watershed water quality modeling to reduce environmental/ecological risk impacts, TMDL, spatial analyses of contaminants using GIS and remote sensing technologies, and GIS and remote sensing applications in agricultural water management. Taught classes relating to “Environmental risk analysis using GIS”, “Spatial analysis tools in ecology”, “BMP to mitigate water quality”, and “Agricultural water quality and irrigated land waiver program” and “Ecological risks and regulation”.
1. Carried out more than 20 research projects funded by USDA and US EPA and California state agencies as well as non-profit organizations focusing on addressing issues on water quality and pesticide runoff. Total grant amount exceeded $5 million.
2. Published more than 80 SCI journal articles and more than 30 technical reports and numerous presentations in professional societies.
3. Trained more than ten graduate students and more than 20 international visiting scholars and close to ten post doctoral researchers.