YI, Cheong-Ho
Address:Inst. Environment and Ecology, Korea University
293-157 Hwikyung 2-dong, Dongdaemun-gu,Seoul,
130-878, Republic of Korea (South Korea)Tel:02-2247-3310
Education Background:
1995 –1999 D.Phil Univ. of Nottingham Human Molecular Genetics
1990 –1992 Master Forest Genetics and Ecology Korea University
1988 –1991 B.S. Korea University Chemistry
Working Experience:
2007-present Inst. Environment and Ecology, Research Korea University Investigator
2004–2007 Inst. Natural Resources Research Korea University Investigator
2001-2003 Genome Research Center Principle Samsung Biomedical Institute
Research interests:
In 1997, Cheong-Ho Yi has started publishing articles in the bimonthly journal “Forest and Culture.” More than 30 articles were published in “Forests and Culture”, including the Homo sylvanus column, which surveyed on special people of forest culture, various book reviews on new monographs on forest cultures, and translation of articles written in English by foreign writers. His recent interest in forest culture and environmental history is in the construction of ancient forest environmental history in relation with the ancient ethnicity of the Northeast Asia including the Central Plains (China Proper), Manchuria and Korean peninsula. His interest also includes the culturo-social forestry and culturo-social values of trees and forest ecosystems from the ancient times to medieval and modern times. Ancient and medieval parts include transdisciplinary academic exploration on the archeological data and evidences on climate changes for a period unit of a few thousand years or hundred years as well as the ancient documents. The cultural strategy for modernizing ancient and medieval values of trees and forests is also pursued to create modern culture-social values of trees and forests.