FOLMER, Henk |
发布时间:2013-11-05 来源: |
Title: Professor

Tel: +310317483853
Education Background:
Ph.D., Economics, University of Groningen
Research Interests:
Environmental and Resource Economics, Regional Economics,
Labor Economics, and Econometrics
Anselin, L.; Capello, R; Folmer, H.; Higano, Y. (2008) Editorial: the raison détre of letters in spatial and resource sciences Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 1 (1). - p. 1-2
Folmer, H.; Oud, J. (2008) How to get rid of W: a latent variables approach to modelling spatially lagged variables Environment and Planning A 40 (10). - p. 2526-2538.
Oud, J.H.L.; Folmer, H. (2008)A Structural Equation Approach to Models with Spatial Dependence Geographical Analysis 40 (2). - p. 152-166
Pham Do, Kim Hang; Folmer, H.; Norde, H. (2008) Fishery management games: how to admit new members and reduce harvest in levels International game theory review 10 (3). - p. 319-333
Asiedu, K.F.; Folmer, H. (2007) Does Privatization Improve Job Satisfaction? The Case of Ghana World Development 35 (10) - p. 1779-1795
Chambwera, M.; Folmer, H. (2007) Fuel switching in Harare: An almost ideal demand system approach Energy Policy 35 (4). - p.2538-2548 |