Title: Director and Professor
Address: University of Duesseldorf, Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology, Universitaetsstr. 1 Geb. 26.23, D-40225 Duesseldorf, Germany
Tel: 0049-211-8114163
Education Background:
1980 Ph. D. in Biology, University of Cologne, Germany
1977 Master in Biology, University of Cologne
1975 Bachelor in Biology, University of Cologne
Working Experiences:
1999 – present Full Professor and Director of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology, University of Duesseldorf, Germany
1990- 1999 Associate Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
1982 – 1989 Assistant Professor at the University of Cologne and Braunschweig (Germany) in Biology and Pharmaceutical Biology
1980 – 1982 Post Doc at the University of California, Irvine, USA
Research Interests:
Bioactive natural products from marine sponges and from endophytic fungi quality
Professional Activities:
Peer reviewer for numerous Journals in the field of natural product research, reviewer for national and international grant proposals (Germany and EU)
Awards and Honours:
Visiting Professor at several Universities and Research Institutions in China (Peking University, Ocean University of China, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences)
Commemorative Medal, Vietnamese Academy of Sciences in 2008
Qilu Friendship Award (Shandong, P.R. China) in 2014