YU, Liangli Lucy
Title: Professor
Address: Department: Nutrition and Food Science,
University of Maryland, 3303 Marie Mount Hall, College Park,
MD 20742, USA
Tel: 001-301-405-0761
Email: lyu5@umd.edu
Education Background:
1999 Ph.D., Food Science/Food Chemistry, Purdue University, USA
1989 M.S., Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, China Pharmaceutical University, China
1984 B.S., Pharmaceutical Chemistry, China Pharmaceutical University, China
Working Experiences:
2009-present Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Maryland
2005-2009 Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Maryland
2003-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Maryland
1999-2003 Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado State University
Research Interests:
Food chemistry and enzymology, nutraceuticals & functional foods, food safety, natural shelf-life enhancers; Food Nanotechnology
Professional Activities:
Associate editor of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Member of editorial boards of numerous scientific journals
Peer review of numerous scientific journals and governmental funding agencies
Member of various scientific technical committees for state and federal regulatory agencies