Shi, Lei
Title: Associate Professor
Address: Frontier Institute of Science and Technology (FIST),
Xi’an Jiaotong University, 99 Yanxiang Road,
Yanta District, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, P.R.China, 710054
Tel: 17092970115
Education Background:
2011 Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry,
School of Chemistry, Edinburgh University,Scoland, UK.
2006 M.S. in Organic Chemistry,
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences & Department of Chemistry, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
2002 B.S. in Chemistry, Henan Normal University, Henan, China
Working Experiences:
2015-present Associate Professor, Principal Investigator, Organic Chemistry Research Center (OCRC), Frontier Institute of Science and Technology (FIST), Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China
2011-2014 Postdoctoral Associate, the Scripps Research Institute, CA, USA
2006-2007 Research Assistant, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests:
natural products• total synthesis• cascade reactions• transition metal catalyst• asymmetric catalysis
design and synthesis of new transition metalchiral catalysts for enantioselective reactions
development of new synthetic methods and strategies for total synthesis of biologically active and architecturally complex natural products