2016 首页» 杨凌国际农业科技论坛» 参会代表» 2016

  Laigeng Li

  Title: Professor

  Address: Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, SIBS, CAS

  Tel: 86-21-54924151

  Email: lgli@sippe.ac.cn

  Education Background:

  1997, Ph.D. Plant Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology Michigan Technological University

  1988, Advanced Biochemistry Studies, Peking University           

  1985, M.S. Plant Physiology, Central South Forestry University

  1982, B.S. Horticulture (fruit trees), Central South Forestry University

  Working Experiences:

  2007 – present  Professor, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology

  2003 – 2007    Associate Professor, North Carolina State University

  1999 – 2002    Research Assistant Professor, Michigan Technological University

  1997 –1999     Post-Doctoral Research Scientist, Michigan Technological University

  1995 – 1997    Research/Teaching Assistant, Michigan Technological University

  1992 – 1994    Associate Professor, Central South Forestry University

  1988 – 1994    Associate Director, Plant Biochemistry and Physiology Section, Central South Forestry University

  1987 – 1992    Lecturer, Central South Forestry University

  1985 – 1987    Teaching Assistant, Central South Forestry University

  Research Interests:

  Plant biomass is an important renewable source for energy, fiber material and biochemicals. Our primary research interest is to study the formation of biomass polymers which are mainly deposited in plant cell walls and the processes by which biomass can be efficiently converted into biofuels and other chemicals. The research focus includes 1) elucidation of the biosynthetic pathways of lignocellulosic polymers, such as cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose, and 2) development of biotechnology for modification of lignocellulosic biomass in order to improve biomass conversion efficiency.

Laigeng Li
发布时间:2016-12-20 来源:

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