2016 首页» 杨凌国际农业科技论坛» 参会代表» 2016

  GUO, Shengli

  Title: Doctor and Professor

  Address: Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, the Northwest A&F University,

  No. 26, Xinong Road, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China

  Tel: 86-29-87046895


  Education Background:

  2001  Ph.D., Soil Science, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, China

  1995  MsC., Soil Science, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,

  Graduate school of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  1992  B.A., Agricultural University of Hebei, China

  Working Experiences:

  2016-Present  Director of Changwu Station (a part of CNERN, National Ecosystem Research Network of China)

  2011- Present: Professor, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, the Northwest A&F University

  2008,1-2008,12 IR RI Fellow at Rothamsted Research,UK

  2005,12-2006,11 Visiting Scholar at RothamstedResearch,UK

  2001-2010Research Associate, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Water Resources Ministry

  Research Interests:

  Soil C, N changes in arable soils of rainfed farming system; Orgnaic C,N dynamics in eroded soils

  Professional Activities:

  Member of Soil Society of China

  Member of Chinese Society of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science

  Member of World Association of Soil and Water Conservation

  Peer review of scientific journals and governmental funding agencies

GUO, Shengli
发布时间:2016-12-21 来源:

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