2016 首页» 杨凌国际农业科技论坛» 参会代表» 2016

  Dr. Zhiyong Wang 

  Faculty Staff Member

  Department of Plant Biology

  Carnegie Institution for Science

  Associate Professor by Courtesy

  Biology Department

  Stanford University

  260 Panama Street

  Stanford, CA 94305, USA

  Phone: (650) 387-3800

  Fax: (650) 325-6857

  Email: zywang24@stanford.edu


  1992-1998.1     Ph.D. in Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, USA.

  1986-1989.6       M. S., Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

  1982-1986.6    B. S., Biology Department, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.


  June 2001-    Staff Member, Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution for Science

  2009-           Associate Professor by Courtesy, Biology Department, Stanford University

  2001-2009   Assistant Professor by Courtesy, Biology Department, Stanford University

  2014-           Thousand Talent Professor, Fujian Agriculture & Forestry University

  2009-2011   Changjiang Visiting Professor, Hebei Normal University

  2003-2009   Special Visiting Professor, Institute of Botany, CAS

  1998- 2001   Postdoctoral Fellow. The Salk Institute and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

  1989-1991    Research Associate, National Lab of Plant Systematics and Evolution,

  Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China.


  2015  Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Posttranslational Modification Networks, Hong Kong

  2013  Vice Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Posttranslational Modification Networks, Hong Kong.

  2014- Scientific Advisory Board member, Center of Forestry and Proteomics, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry U. China

  2011- Editorial board member, Molecular Cellular Proteomics

  2007- Editorial board member, Molecular Plant

  2010- Editorial board member, Journal of Genetics and Genomics

  2010- Review Editor, Frontiers in Plant Physiology

  2010  Guest Editor, Current Opinion in Plant Biology

  2010  ad hog panel member, Cellular Signaling and Regulatory Systems Study Section, NIH

  2004-2010   Co-Editor, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology

  2009, 2013   Scientific Review committee member, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, SIBS, CAS 


  2015   American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS Fellow.

  2015   Alexander von Humboldt Research Award

  1998   Postdoctoral Fellowship in Bioscience Related to the Environment, National Science    Foundation, USA.

  Research Interest:

  I am interested in the molecular mechanisms of plant growth regulation. My research focuses on the plant steroid hormone brassinosteroid (BR). BR is a growth-promoting hormone that has major effects at all developmental stages throughout the life cycle of plants. BR acts through a cell surface receptor kinase and its downstream signaling pathway to control gene expression and cell growth. The BR pathway is highly integrated with other signaling pathways activated by hormonal and environmental signals, and the signaling network is modulated by developmental programs to provide context-specific outputs of cellular responses. Therefore, we study not only how BR signal is transduced, but also how BR signal integrates with other signals and developmental programs. We use a wide range of research approaches, including genetics, genomics, and proteomics, in order to gain a deep understanding of the complex regulatory networks that control plant growth and development. The long-term goal of my research is to elucidate the signaling circuits that control various plant growth and developmental processes in both model systems and major crops.

  Selected Publications:

  Zhang Z, Zhu JY, Roh J, Marchive C, Kim SK, Meyer C, Sun Y, Wang W, Wang ZY. (2016). TOR Signaling Promotes Accumulation of BZR1 to Balance Growth with Carbon Availability in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol. 26:1854-60.

  Chaiwanon J, Wang W, Zhu JY, Oh E, Wang ZY. (2016) Information Integration and Communication in Plant Growth Regulation. Cell 164:1257-68.

  Chaiwanon J and Wang ZY. (2015) Spatiotemporal brassinosteroid signaling and antagonism with auxin pattern stem cell dynamics in Arabidopsis roots. Current Biology 25(8):1031-42.

  Wang W, Bai MY, Wang ZY. (2014). The brassinosteroid signaling network – a paradigm of signal integration. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 21 :147–153.

  Ni WM, Xu SL, Tepperman JM, Stanley DJ, Maltby DA, Gross JD, Burlingame AL, Wang ZY and Quail PH (2014). A mutually assured destruction mechanism attenuates light signaling in Arabidopsis . Science. 344 , 1160-1164.

  Oh E, Zhu JY, Bai MY, and Wang ZY. (2014). A central transcription module regulates cell elongation and development by integrating major environmental and hormonal signals in Arabidopsis. eLife. May 27:e03031.

  Oh E, Zhu JY, Ryu H, Hwang I, Wang ZY. (2014). TOPLESS mediates brassinosteroid-induced transcriptional repression through interaction with BZR1. Nature Communications 18;5:4140.

  Wang W and Wang ZY (2014). At the intersection of plant growth and immunity. Cell Host Microbe 15 , 400–402.

  Fan M, Bai MY, Kim JG, Wang T, Oh E, Chen L, Park CH, Son SH, Kim SK, Mudgett MB, Wang ZY. (2014). The bHLH transcription factor HBI1 mediates the trade-off between growth and pathogen-associated molecular pattern-triggered immunity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 26 , 828-841.

  Zhu JY, Sae-Seaw J, Wang ZY (2013). Brassinosteroid signalling. Development. 140 , 1615-1620.

  Wang ZY, Bai MY, Oh E, Zhu JY (2012). Brassinosteroid signaling network and regulation of photomorphogenesis. Annu. Rev. Genet. 46:701-724.

  Gendron JM, Liu JS, Fan M, Bai MY, Wenkel S, Springer PS, Barton MK, Wang ZY (2012). Brassinosteroids regulate organ boundary formation in the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109, 21152-21157.

  58. Bai MY, Fan M, Oh E, Wang ZY (2012) A triple-HLH/bHLH Cascade Controls Cell Elongation Downstream of Multiple Hormonal and Environmental Signaling Pathways in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 24:4917-4929.

  56. Oh E, Zhu JY, Wang ZY. (2012).  Interaction between BZR1 and PIF4 integrates brassinosteroid and environmental responses. Nature Cell Biol. 14, 802-809.

  Bai MY, Shang JX, Oh E, Fan M, Bai Y, Zentella R, Sun TP, Wang ZY. (2012). Brassinosteroid, gibberellin, and phytochrome impinge on a common transcription module in Arabidopsis. Nature Cell Biol. 14, 810-819.

  Kim TW, Michniewicz M, Bergmann DC, Wang ZY. (2012). Brassinosteroid regulates stomatal development by GSK3-mediated inhibition of a MAPK pathway. Nature 482 , 419-422. PMCID: PMC3292258.

  She J, Han Z, Kim TW, Wang J, Cheng W, Chang J, Shi S, Wang J, Yang M, Wang ZY, Chai J. (2011). Structural insight into brassinosteroid perception by BRI1. Nature 474 , 472-476.

  Tang W, Yuan M, Wang R, Yang Y, Wang C, Oses-Prieto JA, Kim TW, Zhou HW, Deng Z, Gampala SS, Gendron JM, Jonassen EM, Lillo C, DeLong A, Burlingame AL, Sun Y, Wang ZY. (2011). PP2A activates brassinosteroid-responsive gene expression and plant growth by dephosphorylating BZR1. Nature Cell Biol. 13 :124-131.

  Kim TW and Wang ZY. (2010) Brassinosteroid signal transduction from receptor kinases to transcription factors.  Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 61 , 681-704.

  Sun Y, Fan XY, Cao DM, Tang W, He K, Zhu JY, He JX, Bai MY, Zhu S, Oh E, Patil S, Kim TW, Ji H, Wong WH, Rhee SY, Wang ZY. (2010). Integration of brassinosteroid signal transduction with the transcription network for plant growth regulation in Arabidopsis. Dev. Cell 19 , 756-777. PMCID: PMC3018842.

  Luo XM, Lin WH, Zhu S, Zhu JY, Sun Y, Fan XY, Cheng M, Hao Y, Oh E, Tian M, Liu L, Zhang M, Xie Q, Chong K, Wang ZY. (2010). Integration of light- and brassinosteroid-signaling pathways by a GATA transcription factor in Arabidopsis. Dev Cell. 19 : 872-883.

  Kim TW, Guan S, Sun Y, Deng Z, Tang W, Shang JX, Sun Y, Burlingame AL, Wang ZY. (2009) Brassinosteroid signal transduction from cell-surface receptor kinases to nuclear transcription factors. Nature Cell Biol. 11 , 1254-1262.

  Zhang LY, Bai MY, Wu J, Zhu JY, Wang H, Zhang Z, Wang W, Sun Y, Zhao J, Sun X, Yang H, Xu Y, Kim SH, Fujioka S, Lin WH, Chong K, Lu T, Wang ZY. (2009). Antagonistic HLH/bHLH transcription factors mediate BR regulation of cell elongation and plant development in rice and Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21 , 3767-3780.

  Tang W, Kim TW, Oses-Prieto JA, Sun Y, Deng Z, Zhu S, Wang R, Burlingame AL, Wang ZY (2008). BSKs mediate signal transduction from the receptor kinase BRI1 in Arabidopsis. Science 321 , 557-560.

  Gampala SS, Kim TW, He JX, Tang W, Deng Z, Bai MY, Guan S, Lalonde S, Sun Y, Gendron JM, Chen H, Shibagaki N, Ferl RJ, Ehrhardt D, Chong K, Burlingame AL, Wang ZY. (2007). An essential role for 14-3-3 proteins in brassinosteroid signal transduction in Arabidopsis. Dev. Cell 13, 177-189.

  He JX, Gendron JM, Sun Y, Gampala SS, Gendron N, Sun CQ, Wang ZY (2005). BZR1 is a transcriptional repressor with dual roles in brassinosteroid homeostasis and growth responses. Science 307(5715): 1634-1638. PMCID: PMC126645

  He JX, Gendron JM, Yang Y, Li J, Wang ZY (2002). The GSK3-like kinase BIN2 phosphorylates and destabilizes BZR1, a positive regulator of the brassinosteroid signaling pathway in Arabidopsis. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 99 (15), 10185-10990. PMID: 12114546

  Yin Y, Wang ZY, Mora-Garcia S, Li J, Yoshida S, Asami T, Chory J. (2002). BES1 accumulates in the nucleus in response to brassinosteroids to regulate gene expression and promote stem elongation. Cell 109(2): 181-191. PMID: 12007405

  Wang ZY, Nakano T, Gendron J, He J, Chen M, Vafeados D, Yang Y, Fujioka S, Yoshida S, Asami T, Chory J (2002). Nuclear-localized BZR1 mediates brassinosteroid-induced growth and feedback suppression of brassinosteroid biosynthesis. Dev. Cell 2(4): 505-513. PMID: 11970900

  Wang ZY, Seto H, Fujioka S, Yoshida S, Chory J. (2001) BRI1 is a critical component of a plasma membrane receptor for plant steroids. Nature 410(6826): 380-382. PMID: 11268216

  He Z, Wang ZY, Li J, Zhu Q, Lamb C, Ronald P, Chory J. (2000) Perception of brassinosteroids by the extracellular domain of the receptor kinase BRI1. Science 288(5475): 2360-2363. PMID: 10875920

  Wang ZY, Tobin EM (1998) Constitutive expression of the CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED 1 ( CCA1 ) gene disrupts circadian rhythms and suppresses its own expression. Cell 93(7): 1207-1217. PMID: 9657153

Dr. Zhiyong Wang
发布时间:2016-12-20 来源:

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