HU Tiantian
Title: Professor
Address: College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering
Northwest A&F University
Weihui Road 23, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100,China
Tel: +8629-87082902
Education Background:
2005 Ph.D. in Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering, Northwest A&F University
1991 M.S. in Plant Nutrition and Fertilization, Northwest Agricultural University
1988 B.A. in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Northwest Agricultural University
Working Experiences:
2010-present Professor, Northwest A&F University
2008-2009 Visiting scholar, Utah State University
2005-2009 Associate professor, Northwest A&F University
2001-2005 Research associate, Northwest A&F University
1994-2001 Research fellow, Northwest A&F University
1991-1994 Research practice, Northwest Agricultural University
Research Interests:
Plant acclimation response to environmental stress, esp. the compensatory effect of root growth and function to localized supply of water or nitrogen.
Partial root-zone irrigation: its physiological consequences and impact on water use efficiency.
Responses to water and/or nutrient and regulation of crop fruit quality.