Title: Professor Cheung Kong Scholar Distinguished Young Scholars
Address: Research Center of Food Science and Human Health,
School of Medicine, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 300071
Tel: +862285358445
Education Background:
1999 Ph.D. Biochemistry, University of Sydney, Australia
1994 M.Sc. Biochemistry, University of Sydney, Australia
1991 B.Sc. Environmental Science, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
Working Experiences:
2017-now Professor, food science and health in Nankai University
2003-2017 Professor, food science in Tianjin University of Science and Technology
2001-2003 Research Fellow, food science in University of Sydney, Australia
Research Interests:
(1) revealing the formation mechanism of chemical hazards during thermal and non-thermol food processing; (2) studying the major factors influencing the specific recognition of antibody and successful design of the optimal hapten structure by spatial overlap and advanced multivariate statistical analyses; (3) developing various immunoassays; (4) developing accurate detection techniques based upon the combination of enrichment and separation materials with various detection methods, such as ICP-MS, SERS, and graphene-based electrochemical and optical sensors;
Professional Activities:
Editorial board of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
Editorial board of LWT-Food Science and Technology (Elsevier)
Editorial board of Current Opinion in Food Science (Elsevier)