LU Chensheng (Alex)
Title: Associate Professor
Address:T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard
Tel: 001-617-9988811
Education Background:
1996 Ph.D. University of Washington, Seattle, USA
1990 M.Sc. Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, USA
1985 B.Sc. Fengchia University, Taiwan
Working Experiences:
2011- present Associate Professor, Harvard University, USA
2012-2015 Visiting Professor in Environmental Science, Peking University, China
2008-2011 Assistant Professor, Harvard University, USA
2004-2008 Assistant Professor, Emory University, USA
Research Interests:
Lu’s primary research is to use variety of biomarkers for assessing human exposures to environmental chemicals in order to facilitate the identification of risk factors, as well as the formation of hypotheses for potential health effects. One of his current research projects is to integrate exposure biomarkers, physiologically based pharmacokinetic model and cumulative risk assessment tools for quantifying children’s longitudinal exposure to pesticides via dietary intakes, and its risks by comparing to benchmark doses used by the regulatory agencies. He is also interested in developing the protein adduct-base biomarker to assess the health effects from exposures to organophospate pesticides.