WEI, Xiaohua
Title: Associate Professor
Address:Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of British Columbia (Okanagan) 3333
British Columbia CANADA V1V 1V7
Tel: (250) 807-8750
Email: adam.wei@ubc.ca
Education Background:
1989 Ph.D. Northeast Forestry University, Heilongjiang, China
1987 M.Sc. Northeast Forestry University, Heilongjiang, China
1983 B.Sc. Jiangxi Agriculture University, Nanchang, China
Working Experiences:
2005-present Associate Professor,University of British Columbia
2001-2005 Associate Professor, Okanagan University College
1996-2005 Hydrologist / Section Head, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (BC)
1994-1996 Post-doctoral Fellow, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia
1992-1993 Visiting Scholar, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia
1991-2000 Watershed Specialist, Integrated Watershed Management Office,Jiangxi Provincial Government, China
Research Interests:
I have a broad research interest in forest ecology and eco-hydrological processes, with a focus on interactions between terrestrial and aquatic processes (the trees-water-fish relationship) under forest disturbance and climate change. Taking an ecosystem perspective is the central research philosophy for me to study various watershed ecosystem processes and sustainability.
Professional Activities:
Registered Professional Forester with BC Professional Foresters
Member of Ecological Society of America
The BC FORREX Watershed Research and Extension Steeling Committee Member